2014, Number 1
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Mul Med 2014; 18 (1)
Clinical epidemiological characterization of pneumonia associated to artificial mechanical ventilation, 2010
Milanés GY, Cuba OYC, Rosales PF
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 377.68 Kb.
Introduction: the pneumonia associated to the artificial mechanical ventilation has a
high frequency in the hospitalized patients in the intensive care units what produce a
high mobility, lethality and mortality.
Objective: to identify clinical and epidemiological aspects in patients with pneumonia
associated to the artificial mechanical ventilation.
Methods: it was performed a descriptive, prospective study of the intra hospital
pneumonia presented in 37 ventilated patients that were hospitalized in the Intensive
Care Unit at Carlos Manuel de Cespedes University hospital since January-December of 2010, Bayamo Granma. It was described the frequency of the patients with pneumonia associated to the artificial mechanical ventilation in relation with the age, sex, origin, comorbility, toxic habits, color of the skin, time of the pneumonia presence, length of the artificial mechanical ventilation and the isolated germs in the tracheobronchial secretions, the illness that motivated the hospitalization, stay and result at the discharge of the patients.
Results: The most frequent age was less than 60 years, the masculine sex, urban origin, a big percent of the patients did not smoke or drink alcohol, the obstructive pulmonary chronicle disease was the most frequent, the duration of the artificial mechanical ventilation was over 7 days, the most common antecedent was related with the surgery, the prevailing stay was over 7 days, according to the laboratory and radiological studies, the most affected patients had haemoglobin over of 80g/L, leucocytes over 10 x10 9/L, the infiltrated in the RX of thorax with condition of more than 1 pulmonary lobule, the isolated germs with more frequency were the Enterobacter sp and Staphylococcus aureus.
Conclusiones: there were identified clinical and epidemiological aspects presented in pneumonia patients associated to artificial mechanical ventilation.
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