2014, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2014; 15 (2)
A procedure for assesing the effect of mental effort on cardiovascular health using HRV as an indicator of central activation
Pérez LVM, Almirall HPJ, Pérez BA, Amador RFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 57-72
PDF size: 726.93 Kb.
Introduction and objectives: There is evidence that the heart rate variability (HRV) is an indicator of the level of general activation of a subject, and that this decreases when performing tasks with demands for attention, emotional or when there is a lowering of functional.
Material and methods: We used an cardiological evaluation to thirty-two pairs of "almost twins" subjects, which allowed to classify them in cases and controls. All participants performed a test to assess their discrimination time (DT) in three difficulty levels, simulated in software SPLIT. Simultaneously, HRV data recorded by continuously measuring technology Polar F7
TM. All information was processed in SPSS version 18.
Results: Subjects who had suffered a heart showed a greater decrease in HRV, regardless of whether they were medicated or not, expressed as coefficients of variation. The difference was in favor of the healthy subjects showed significantly less decline compared with cardiac patients. No differences by sex, age, perception of the demands of work or school were found.
Conclusions: In a significant proportion of those who have suffered a heart has a trigger level reflected by their lower when performing a task that demands attention HRV, than healthy subjects. We recommend validation under field conditions this procedure.
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