2014, Number 5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (5)
Surveillance subsystem for mass poisonings and chemical disasters
Mederos GA, Lara FHL, Miranda GO, Oduardo LM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 769-781
PDF size: 141.68 Kb.
Introduction: toxic surveillance is an active process for the identification and
assessment of the risk as well as measures taken to reduce or eliminate such risks.
Since 1988 surveillance actions have been carried out at CENATOX (National Center
of Toxicology). Since 1988, CENATOX have done actions for surveillance but until
there are real knowledge problems in relation to the behavior of poisonings in our
Objective: to design an integrate system of toxic-surveillance like a fundamental
tool for developing the Toxicology in Cuba.
Material and Methods: a developing research with the aim to set a surveillance
system that allows the collection, analysis and interpretation of outbreak acute
poisonings and chemistry _ radiological disaster in our country. It was used the
National Public Health Methodology to surveillance systems and were designed two
sub systems of surveillance: Mass poisoning / chemical disaster and acute
Results: the two subsystems were designed in which are described: generalities,
goals to surveillance, components and system´s attribute, sub system and
information flow.
Conclusions: a toxic _ surveillance subsystem was designed and are composed by
two subsystem (chemical _ radiological disasters and acute poisonings) to be
implemented in National network ofanti- toxic Centers belonging to the Public
Health Ministry as a fundamental tool for developing the Toxicology in Cuba.
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