2014, Number 5
Social determinants of health and quality manager system on dentistry services
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 757-768
PDF size: 102.10 Kb.
Introduction: the health systems have been structured traditionally around the axis of the cure of diseases and the clinical prevention, without keeping in mind the social determinant of the health; it is imposed therefore, a new vision based on the social epidemiology.Objective: to promote the knowledge of the social determinant of the health and tomotivate their analysis when designing systems of Administration of the Quality in dentistry services.
Material and Methods: articles related with the topics were revised in journals and original texts, published nationaland international, available at the Odontology school and of the National School of Public Health and the electronics searchers: Pubmed, Medline, and Google.
Results: the development of Quality Management System (QMS) is very important to rise the acting of the health´s institutions, for this reason every time is bigger the number of officials that worries about this aspect inside the sector. It is important that when designing them, be kept in mind the social determinant of the health, since they are factors that influence and they model the health of the individuals and the communities.
Conclusions: it is momentous to approach the Manager of the Quality in odontology, not alone from the point of view of the cure of diseases and the clinical prevention, but keeping in mind the bio-psico-social, integration, and global paradigm.
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