2014, Number 6
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (6)
The theory Deficit of selfcare: Dorothea Orem, starting-point for quality in health care
Prado SLA, González RM, Paz GN, Romero BK
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 835-845
PDF size: 69.15 Kb.
Since the beginning, nursery has been considered a social product linked to the art
of taking care, therefore it answers to the necessity of helping people when they
are not able enough for giving themselves and the people depending on them, the
quality and quantity of care needed for keeping alive, identifying the health
problem and real and/or potential necessities of the person, family and community
demanding care, generating autonomy or dependence as a consequence of the
activity the nurse takes on. The purpose of the article is to asses one of the great
theories of the contemporary nursery, approaching in an integral way the influence
exerted by this theory in the development of this profession practice in Cuba; for
that we reviewed basic literature sources like Models and Theories in Nursery,
Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursery, Dorothea Orem´s theory about self care,
using theoretical methods to propitiate the understanding and analysis of the
theory of the Deficit of self care, generalizations and relations between the
theoretical support and its application of the daily-work praxis of the scientific
method in the development of a satisfactory life.
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