2014, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2014; 15 (1)
Stress and Burnout syndrome in stomatologists
Carballo HR, Román HJJ, Rosado FYR, Rosado FYI
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 42-49
PDF size: 303.95 Kb.
The stress and the burnout syndrome are problems that rebound in the health of the professionals and for it in the assistance quality, deteriorating the doctor-patient relationship and supposing a high social and economic cost. With the objective of identify conditions associated to stress and Syndrome of Burnout in stomatologists that fulfill internationalist mission in Region 1, Caracas, Venezuela, in 2009, it was carried out a descriptive – analytic study of cross section, using instruments like: interviews, questionnaire and the Symptomatic Scale of Stress and Inventory of Burnout of Maslach. The results showed significant levels of stress with a high prevalence of the ill-ness. There were presented two cases with Syndrome of Burnout, with low prevalence of this syndrome. The stress affected more profession-als between one and two years in the mission and those affected by Burnout surpassed the two years. The affected cases manifested irrita-bility, acidity, headache, insomnia, anxiety, tiredness and abdominal pain. The overload work for multitasks, the inadequate interpersonal relationships and the noise, were the factors that took part in the generation of the stress.
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