2013, Number 4
Clinical- epidemiological characterization of the congenital malformations of the central nervous system, Granma province
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 61.61 Kb.
Introduction: the central nervous system allows integrating and controlling the different functions of the organism. The lack of closure of a part of the neural tube or the reopening of one of its region after its suitable closing can bring about several malformations.Objective: to characterize, clinically and epidemiologically the malformations of the central nervous system.
Methods: it was performed a descriptive and retrospective research at the Genetics Province Center during the period of 2009- 2011.
Results: 00the hydrocephalia was the most frequent condition with 41 cases, (48.23%). 82 cases (96.47%) were diagnosed between the 14 and the 26 weeks, according to the gestational age. 55 cases (64.70%) were diagnosed in the group of ages between 20 to 35 years old, in the hydrocephalia there was a greatest tendency to the male sex with 24 cases, (28.23%) and there were 17 female cases Multimed. 2013; 17(4) 3 ( 20%). There were prenatally diagnosed 39 cases (45.88%) through the echography and in the anatomopathological study it was detected in 41 cases (48.23%).
Conclusions: the hydrocephalia was the most frequent congenital malformation of the central nervous system, followed by the anencephalia, with a slight tendenncy in the male sex, where the gestational age to the most frequent diagnosis was between the 14 and 26 weeks, and the maternal age was between the 20 and 35 years, existing a correspondence between the positive echographic and anatomopathological diagnosis.
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