2014, Number 1
Health and safety conditions in self-employed workers engaged in automotive repair. Arroyo Naranjo Municipality. 2009
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 3-11
PDF size: 434.27 Kb.
An observational and transversal study was realized in self-employed workers from Arroyo Naranjo Municipality during 2009, in order to describe their health and safety conditions. The work universe was constituted of 62 workers that were into ONAT official list. 50 % of them had more of 11 years of work on this labour. The osteomioar-ticular system alterations (76,7 %) were the more incidence, followed for ophthalmologic alterations with 58,1 %. There was not association between the ergonomic well-known risk factors by workers, and coexistence OMAS alterations (p›0,05). The same behaviour was shown this analysis for the physical and chemicals risk factors and the presence of ophthalmologic alterationsREFERENCES
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