2014, Number 3
Regularities of the particular didactics of medical sciences in the subject Medical Informatics
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 214-221
PDF size: 89.43 Kb.
The quality and pertinence in medical education depend, among other factors, on the efficient use of the information technologies and communication. But this is not a technological challenge; it is a paradigmatic change of the formative process in a society where the new space-time relations are modifying human communication. This is a reflection on the characteristics of medical informatics and the use of technologies in medical studies, as a challenge that implies a total change in the way of thinking and doing of teachers as orientation givers, and the students as active subjects of their learning. The authors aimed to express the need that Medical Informatics be taught by means of going from the basics to the specific, focused on the critical and common items of the set of topics, in order that the students be able to have a well-founded and broad training of the principles of each theme.REFERENCES
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