2014, Number 3
Bibliometric study of EDUMECENTRO: second journal of medical education in Cuban territory
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 95-110
PDF size: 212.77 Kb.
Background: the periodic evaluation of a serial publication through bibliometric indicators allows to obtain objective results and to observe its trends.Objective: to describe the scientific production of the journal EDUMECENTRO.
Methods: a bibliometric, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was done. The sample taken were the 255 articles published in the period 2009-2013. From the descriptive statistics, the absolute frequencies, the percentage and the average were used. The results obtained were presented in tables and graphs for their better interpretation.
Results: the amount of articles published in the quinquennium was increased considerably, and most authors were residents in Santa Clara, Villa Clara. The trends observed were the increase in the number of original articles and the decrease in the brief communications. Most of the first authors had the teaching rank of Associate Professor, and the academic degree of Masters of Science. The curriculum design and its perfecting in the studies of medical sciences, and the postgraduate education and its development, were the themes that appeared with the highest frequency. Discreet results were found regarding the percentage of updating of the bibliographic references, and a considerable number of Cuban serial publications were consulted by the authors.
Conclusions: after analyzing some bibliometric indicators in the first five years of existence of EDUMECENTRO, it may be considered that the results are satisfactory. The recommendations derived from these results will allow to improve the management and the visibility of the articles from this communication space.
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