2014, Number 3
Integral training actions for cadres and medical reserves of Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 20-36
PDF size: 168.63 Kb.
Background: the training of cadres and reserves must be integral and systematic, and to include in it pedagogical and methodological aspects.Objective: to design actions of integral training for cadres and medical reserves in the province of Villa Clara.
Methods: an action research study was done in health centers of Villa Clara, from January to May 20l2. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. The research project had two stages: a diagnosis of the current situation, and a design of training actions.
Results: insufficiency in the integral training of the cadres and reserves related to their pedagogical training was detected, something that has effects on their integral performance, teaching, administration and research work. Actions for their training were designed.
Conclusions: it was verified a deficient perception of the importance of the individual upgrading in pedagogical themes in those people polled, something that was evident with the shortage of learning about these themes. The designed actions were assessed positively by the specialists that were consulted.
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