2013, Number 3
Trend and prognosis of the infant mortality in Granma province
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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The children’s mortality rates of a country mirror its socioeconomic status, its way of life defined by ecologic and public health factors.. A descriptive and longitudinal study was carried out in the period of 2001-2011 with the aim to identify the infant mortality trend in Granma and its short time prognosis through a Time Series study; the universe was composed by 600 infants reported through death certificates and Province Health statistic records; all cases were included in the study. Time series analysis was performed to the mortality rate per year, mortality tendency, prognosis, death causes, components and seasonality. Exponential smoothing method was used to analyze trend, Holt method for prognosis, and the multiplicative for seasonality, used the computerized program EVIEWS 4. Mortality had a descendent cyclic tendency. The prospect for 2012 is a mortality rate between 3,6 and 5,4. Birth related conditions (49,4 %), congenital malformation (30,9 %), acute respiratory infections (10,2 %) and sepsis (9,5 %) were proved to be the main causes of death, being the first two the most affecting the mortality rate. The post-neonatal component predominated (46,8 %) and deaths in the third quarter of the year (176 dead infants). Infant mortality in the province had decreasing trend similar to the country albeit with peaks that show inconsistent results.REFERENCES
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