2013, Number 3
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (3)
Risk factor of the hearing loss in newborns. 2009-2010
Pérez AR, Alcantud GV
Language: Spanish
References: 41
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It was performed a study of cases and controls in newborns assisted in the Neuro-development consult at Carlos Manuel de Cespedes University Hospital in Bayamo, Granma, since October 1rst, 2009 until October 30, 2010 with the aim to identify the independent risk factors hypothetically influential on the appearance of the hearing loss. The patients were taken at random 1:2 (25 cases: 50 controls). It was determined that the newborns under 6 months had greater risk to present deafness (OR= 0,47; IC 95% (0,15?1,41); p=0,27) and that the masculine sex increased the risk of the hypoacusia (OR=0,78; IC 95% (0,29?2,03); p=0,79). In the maternal factors the most significant corresponded to the viral infections that triplicate the risk (OR=3, 01; IC 95%, 0, 55? 16, 49; p=0, 38). In the influence of the natal factors, the congenital malformations duplicated the risk (OR=2, 02; IC 95%, 0, 19-20, 44; p=0, 98) followed by the low Apgar that was elevated more than once (OR=1.01; IC 95% 0, 3-278; p=0, 82). In the multivaried analysis, the viral infections were the more remarkable risk factor of independent influence (OR=13,1; p=0,003) with the obstetric trauma (OR=12,06, p=0,0005) while other variables did not show significant independent influence in the presence of hearing loss.These data were reaffirmed after the study of logistical regression of Cox, according to Kaplan- Meier.
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