2014, Number 09
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MediSan 2014; 18 (09)
Characterization of patients with corneal burns
Audivert HY, Barrera GBR, Duperet CD, Turiño PH, Domínguez PRR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 65.61 Kb.
An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 150 patients with corneal burns
(with a total of 194 eyes), assisted in the Ophthalmology emergency room belonging to
"Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, was
carried out from January to December, 2009, in order to characterize them according to
some clinical and epidemiological variables. The lesions prevailed in the male sex and in
the 35-44 years age group, and they were caused mostly by ultraviolet radiations and
alkali, fundamentally in working environments. The use of topical corticoids in the initial
phase, favored the emergence of corneal ulcers; however, the appropriate medical
behavior allowed the favorable clinical course in 78,7% of those affected. It was
recommended to design a program of educational intervention in the population, to
prevent these ocular burns.
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