2014, Number 09
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MediSan 2014; 18 (09)
Effectiveness of acupuncture in patients with humeral epicondyltis
Palay DMS, Pereira DOL, Martén DN, Carrión CPÁ, Esteris PM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 247.39 Kb.
A therapeutical intervention study was carried out on 32 patients randomly selected of
36 who attended the orthopedics and traumatology departments in "Saturnino Lora
Torres" Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from
October, 2010 to June, 2011 for presenting humeral epicondylitis, in order to evaluate
the effectiveness of the acupunture therapy in them. Pair numbers were assigned for
the control group and odd numbers for the study. The final evaluation of patients
treated allowed to affirm that they responded better to the acupuntural treatment (in
14 of 16, for 88.0%) and that although some complications were presented, their
effectiveness overcomes the western procedures for the relief of pain.
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