2014, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2014; 51 (2)
Divine proportion in patients with skeletal occlusion classes I, II and III on lateral cephalometric radiographs
Tomaz TP, Chicarelli SM, Vessoni ILC, Arias PMG, Mitsunari TW
Language: Portugués
References: 27
Page: 132-144
PDF size: 218.25 Kb.
Introduction: the original concept of beauty refers to a set of harmony and
balance features determined by bone, dental and soft tissue.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to analyze divine proportion as reflected
on cephalometric radiographs of 93 Brazilian subjects of both sexes aged 18 with
skeletal classes I, II and III, not undergoing orthodontic treatment. The analysis
was based on cephalometric software "Aurea Ceph".
Methods: statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA, Tukey's test and
Student's t test. The significance level was 5 %.
Results: the seven ratios studied showed a statistically significant difference
between proportions when comparing (N-Ena/V1S-DM16) classes I and III, and
(A-Pog/V1-C1MS, A-Pog/V1S-MD16) classes II and III. When proportions in the
different classes were compared with the golden number (1 618), a statistically significant difference was found in class I for (N-Ena/V1S-DM16, V1S-C1MS/C1MS-
-DM16, Ena-Me/AB), in class II for (A-Pog/V1-C1MS, A-Pog/V1S-MD16) and in class
III for (N-Ena/V1S-DM16, Ena-Enp/V1S-C1MS, V1S-C1MS/C1MS-DM16, Ena-Me/AB).
Conclusions: based on the methodology used and the results obtained, it was
concluded that in seven of the ratios presented, the class with three golden ratios
was found in two and four, class II to class III. The class II group were golden
ratios with a dental and horizontal component, suggesting that the magnitude of
the error is relevant to the concept of sagittal facial aesthetics. The class II group
were golden ratios with a dental component and vertical measurements, also
suggesting that the magnitude of the error is relevant to the concept of sagittal
facial aesthetics.
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