2014, Number 5
Current considerations on xerostomia or dry mouth syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 583-595
PDF size: 155.17 Kb.
Salivary glands are exocrine glands, and their main function is producing saliva. The three most important pairs of salivary glands are: the parotid ones, located below the ear; the submaxillary ones, located on the lower mandible; and the sublingual ones, located under the tongue. There are several little size others spread out over all the oral cavity, lips, tongue, etc., associated to the conjunctive tissue to capture the nutrients the blood vessels need; they also have connections with the proper nervous system. Xerostomia or the dry mouth syndrome is defined as the decrease of the salivary flow in resting conditions. The origin of this clinical entity is multicausal, and may be the result of an alteration located on the glands producing saliva or the result of a systemic unbalance or modification. Evaluating the dysfunction level of the salivary glands has being a main objective for the science. It is essential to work out a clinical history together with a patient personal interview, a clinical examination for the disease diagnosis and evaluation and, among the complementary tests, the quantitative and qualitative ones. For the treatment, primary prevention, reviewing the pharmacologic treatments, saliva stimulation, and also saliva substitutes or artificial saliva have to be taken into account.REFERENCES
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