2014, Number 5
The influence of maternal breast-feeding in preventing deforming buccal habits
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 561-671
PDF size: 61.52 Kb.
Background: maternal breast-feeding is one of the main pillars of the health promotion and prevention of numerous diseases.Aim: identifying the influence of exclusive maternal breast-feeding on the presence of deforming buccal habits.
Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study in both-genders children aged 3-5 years, assisting the day-care center “20 primaveras”, municipality of Cienfuegos, in the period from September 2011 to March 2012. The universe was formed by 193 children, and the stratified randomized sample included 107 children. To collect data, we used an inquiry made up for that subject; data were processed in charts and the outcomes were given in percents.
Outcomes: there it was a predominance of the female gender, with 56 habits, 52,3 %; the age group of children aged 4 years predominated, for 64,4 %. In relation with the time maternal feeding lasted and the presence of buccal deforming habits, 86, 6 % of the children who were breast fed up to 3 months showed deforming buccal habits.
Conclusions: deforming buccal habits decreased in direct relation with the time maternal breast feeding lasted. We arrived to the conclusion that in children who had exclusive maternal breast feeding, the deforming buccal habits in decreasing order were: baby bottles and pacifiers’ usage, digital suction and atypical swallowing which seem to be in tight relation with maternal breast feeding lasting. Maternal breast feeding contributes avoiding deforming buccal habits.
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