2014, Number 5
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (5)
Mesiodistal diameters in upper and lower premolars of population with normal occlusion. Matanzas
de Armas GY, Alemán EMG, Martínez BI, Hernández GYO, Almeida BRJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 540-550
PDF size: 66.62 Kb.
Background: The relations between dental arch length and teeth mesioistal size
have been studied using several different methods but all of them began from the
teeth mesiodistal diameters in different populations with normal occlusion.
Aim: Determining mesiodistal diameter of upper and lower premolars.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in teenagers with
normal occlusion, using a sample of 362 students, 174 female, and 188 males,
aged 12, 13 and 14 years, chosen in the basic high schools of the city of Matanzas.
Measures were taken using a caliper, directly in the mouth from the mesial contact
point to the distal one at the level of its bigger diameter. The used variables were
age, gender and upper and lower premolar mesiodistal diameter.
Results: the measures obtained were, in upper back teeth: first right premolars:
6,9 mm; first left premolars: 7,0 mm; second right premolars: 6,8; second left
premolars: 6,9. In lower back teeth: first right premolars: 7,1 mm; first left
premolars: 7,0 mm, with the same measure for the second right and left
Conclusions: most of the lower premolars were bigger than their upper
homologues. There it was a significant difference between genders in relation to the
sizes of the lower right premolars and the second lower left premolars. There it was
a predominance of bigger mesiodistal sizes in male premolars than in female ones.
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