2013, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2013; 4 (2)
Distance course for the teaching of the health environmental in the career of Medicine
Mendoza RH, Martínez IJA, Moya GR, Puertas ÁD, Minaberriet CE
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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The present development investigation, framed in an institutional project, has as objective to propose the design of a virtual course for the teaching of the environmental health in the career of Medicine. They were used in this study the methods of Pedagogic Experiment as the axis of this investigation, the historical – logical method, analysis-synthesis and the hypothetical-deductive one, as well as
the employment of qualitative techniques such as the documental revision and the survey. The results were obtained starting from conceived materials in a printed way that were adapted to hipertextual materials, it was respected the division of topics like independent parts, although establishing relationships among them. Educational modules were created that facilitate the learning, as well as spaces to locate all the complementary materials and for the collaborative work. The pursuit of the participation of the students was taken by the registration of revenues to the environment virtual employee as basic bibliography in the topics of environmental health. Starting from their implementation the quality of the information is verified that offers the course at distance of environmental health in virtual atmosphere, it contributes to the development of the cognitive independence of the students of the career of Medicine, the selection and employment of materials, the control and the evaluation of the learning.
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