2006, Number 1
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Cir Cir 2006; 74 (1)
Perioperative evaluation in elderly patients
Martínez GL, Nellen-Hummel H, Hamui-Sutton A, Castañón-González JA, Ibarra-Herrera E, Halabe-Cherem J
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 59-68
PDF size: 83.47 Kb.
With the multiple advances in the field of medicine and the resulting
increase in life expectancy, the population pyramid is showing a
tendency towards inversion; each day it becomes more feasible
to surgically treat elderly patients. These patients represent a
challenge not only because of the comorbidity that generally is
associated with the elderly patient, but because of the multiple
endemic physiological changes that alter and usually diminish
their ability to cope with stressful situations. The elderly also
experience social, economic and motivational problems during
their illnesses, which should be considered during the surgical
period in order to optimize the results of surgery and contribute
to improve the quality of life of our patients. The approach with
patients >65 years of age during the perioperative period should
be multifactorial. It is necessary to acknowledge the physiological
changes, poly-pathology, poly-pharmaceutical, and social
situation of our elderly patients since these are factors that will
determine their response to, and recuperation from, the surgical
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