2014, Number 5
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2014; 18 (5)
Historical knowledge of Pinar del Río dentistry: necessity for a teaching material as a bibliographical complementation
Sosa HHP, Guerra CE,Trujillo SZC, Roges SAV, Concepción OT
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 831-840
PDF size: 176.10 Kb.
Introduction: Cuban Higher Education centers its attention towards training professional capable of directing their performance profile with initiative, flexibility and autonomy, starting from the integration of knowledge, skills, motivation, and values expressed in their performance. The limiting component of the syllabus design for the subject History of Dentistry and the textbook, not including the elements of the university local context, motivated this research.
Objective: to determine the limiting aspects existing in regard to the teaching material used in the learning process of the subject History of Dentistry in the D Syllabus Plan.
Material and method: cross-sectional descriptive research using diverse methods: materialistic-dialectical, historic and logical analysis and empirical ones. Papers were reviewed, surveys were conducted, and experts were interviewed for their evaluations. The results were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Results: the second and fourth years Dentistry students showed lack of knowledge in more than 80% of the surveyed, regarding the history of human resources training in Dentistry in Pinar del Río Province. The total 100% considered important to know the development of such training and coincided in the idea that the teaching materials and bibliography are needed to acquire these knowledge.
Conclusions: the existing literature is insufficient for the study of the local referents in the training of human resources in Dentistry, and it has been proposed to elaborate a teaching material for the subject History of Dentistry, which describes the history of human resources training in Pinar del Río from1959 to 2013.
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