2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2013; 15 (3)
Characterization of the labor invalidity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the Rheumatology Center
Prada HDM, Martell SR, Molinero RC, Gómez MJA, Fernández ZO, Hernández CMV, Tamargo BTO
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 160-172
PDF size: 527.99 Kb.
A transversal descriptive study about rheumatoid arthritis patients with labor disability was performed in the Rheumatology Center from november 2011 to november 2012. The samples count 151 patients. Labor status, clinical activity, functional capacity and disability were classified. Results: Female was high 92.7 %, with middle age of 56.4 more or less 11.7 year old presentation. Outcome average of the disease was 9.67. The 31.12% of patients were suffering from labor disability existing a proportional correlation between the labor status, illness outcome and functional disability. The 57.4% of patients with labor disability were suffering from a complete disability and their educations were primary and high school and all of them were workers.
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