2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2013; 15 (3)
Quality of life related with the health in patient with osteoarthritis
Solis CU, Hernández CIM, Prada HDM, de Armas HA, Ulloa AA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 153-159
PDF size: 206.78 Kb.
The osteoarthritis it is the affection to articulate more frequently observed in the mature population of any region of the world, it is characterized by the presence of mechanical pain that frequently associates to rigidity. This illness leads to a loss or decrease of the function progressively to articulate, he/she atrophies muscular, affectation of the labor life and in many cases the permanent labor inability, aspects these that associate to an important deterioration of the quality of life related with the health. He/she is carried out a descriptive study in 200 patients with osteoarthritis to evaluate the quality of life of the patient one using the generic questionnaire of sheets Coop/Wonca, as well as the influence of diverse variable in the behavior of the same one.
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