2012, Number 4
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2012; 3 (4)
Caracterización biopsicosocial de adultos mayores con fractura de cadera en un área de salud del municipio Cerro
Silva JE, Rúa HEC
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 74.21 Kb.
With the purpose of characterizing the old men with hip fracture was carried out a
descriptive study of all the patients' traverse court bigger than 60 years that had Hip
Fracture in the Abel Santa Maria Policlinic, on Cerro’s Municipality, during the period
understood among June 2011 to June 2012. The universe was conformed by 31 old
men, of which 25 constituted in a definitive way the sample of this study. The procedure
was through a survey in depth. The age group prevailed among 75-79, female sex,
primary schooling, they were widowers, pensioners cohabiting with family and caused
fundamentally by osteoporosis, and remarkable psychological affectations: sadness and
the irritability. More than of third o'clock he/she leaves they rehabilitated; what
demonstrates an appropriate quality of life in these patients.
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