2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2013; 15 (3)
Muscular force and levels séricos of fosfocreatincinasa in patients with polimiositis and/or dermatomiositis
Arguelles ZAC, Infante AA, Casas FN, Pérez CD, Chico CA, Sánchez BY, Estévez TM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 131-138
PDF size: 211.74 Kb.
Introduction:Polymyositis is a conjunctive tissue disease that is characterized by the presence of proximal muscular weakness, the breathing muscles, myocardium and deglution muscles. When it is associated with skin manifestations it is denominated dermatomyositis.
Objective: To determine muscular force and serum phosphokreatincinase levels in patient with dermatomyositis / polymyositis suspicion.
Methodology: Descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study. We were kept in mind the Bohman and cols criteria for the positive diagnosis. The age was described at the moment of the disease diagnosis as well as gender. Muscular force was evaluated according to the Medical Research Council scale. Phosphokreatincinase levels were carried out using an enzymatic test that determines the enzymatic activity in serum.
Results: The biggest age frequency at the diagnosis was the group understood between 42 and 52 years old with 26,3 %. The biggest gender frequency corresponded to the feminine with 84,2 %. The biggest frequency according to the range of phosphokreatincinase levels at the diagnosis corresponded to the group with concentration of 500,1 UI and more; with 73,7 %. The biggest frequency with regard to the muscular pelvic force evaluation according to the Medical Research Council scale corresponded to 3th grade with 57,9 %. The biggest frequency with regard to the muscular scapular force evaluation corresponded to the 3th grade with 56,1 %.
Conclusions: Serum phosphokreatincinase levels evaluation and the decrease of muscular pelvic and scapular force were important approaches for the dermatomyositis / polymyositis diagnosis in our patients.
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