2013, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2013; 4 (1)
El ejercicio físico en pacientes de la tercera edad con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. Nguyen Van Troi, 2010
Acevedo GA, Pulido HJA, Armas MM, Rech MA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 52.04 Kb.
We was carried out a longitudinal descriptive study with the purpose of valuing the
influence of the physical exercise in patient of the third age with Diabetes Mellitus
type 2, in groups etarios among 60 - 65 years. The population was conformed by
fifteen patients that belong to the clinic 10 of the Policlinic Nguyen Van Troi of the
municipality I Center Havana, five of the masculine sex and ten of the feminine
sex, 75% of the diabetic patients doesn't possess the appropriate information
about the effectiveness of the physical exercises in the control of its illness, 62.5%
doesn't know the type of exercises that you/they can carry out, 37.5% he/she has
practiced alone physical exercises in occasions, 70% controls its illness by means
of laboratory tests like Gluey and Benedict. The knowledge that these patients
possess about the effectiveness of the physical exercises in the control of the
Diabetes Mellitus type 2 are insufficient, the physical exercises that are carried out
in a regular way influence positively in the prevention of the factors of risk of the
illness, in the favorable metabolic and functional changes for the control of their
diabetes when diminishing the glicemia, they improve the profile lipídico, when
reducing the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDLc and to increase the HDLc,
and the hemoglobin, what inhibits the development of the atherosclerosis, controls
the caloric balance and it prevents the obesity. Also these they influence in the
tolerance to the glucose, the necessities of insulin and of oral hipoglucemiantes,
what modifies the therapeutic necessities.
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