2013, Number 1
Valoración de calidad educativa en la asignatura Prótesis Bucomaxilofacial por estudiantes de Licenciatura en Tecnología de la Salud del perfil de Prótesis Estomatológica
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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The study’s program of the dental prosthetic degree includes the learning of fabrication of dentomaxilofacial prosthetics. This type of dental prosthetics differs in the procedures used compared with ones necessaries for the conventional prosthetics, with a high component of arts and emotions involved. A study of opinion of pre-graduated students about educational quality of dentomaxilofacial prosthetics lectures was carried out using a prospectus and cross-sectional study through an survey to the 4th and 3th academic year for Dental Prosthetic Degree of the Technology Health Faculty of Havana. The inquiry picked out their valuations and interests about this new subject. An analysis of their answers allowed evaluating the level of assimilation of contents and deficiencies that hinder it. From the total of students, all of them, found very interesting this subject, half of them wanted to work in that services, and the suggestion more commonly requested was to increase the level in the use of practical classes in order to obtain better quality in the education.REFERENCES
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