2014, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2014; 30 (3)
Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy: gestational, immune and congenital
Cabrera PY, Castillo GD
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 196-207
PDF size: 135.74 Kb.
Thrombocytopenia affects up to 10 % of all pregnant women and is a common
diagnosis and a problem in the management of patients as it may be related to
preexisting conditions in women of childbearing age, such as primary immune
thrombocytopenia and congenital thrombocytopenia or intrinsic disorders of
pregnancy as gestational thrombocytopenia. It is recommended that all pregnant
women with a platelet count below 100 × 10
9/L should undergo an evaluation by the hematologist and the obstetrician. Careful analysis of the time of onset of
thrombocytopenia associated to clinical manifestations and specific laboratory tests
are essential to provide appropriate diagnosis and maternal - fetal medical care at
the right time, when preparing for the homeostatic challenge.
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