2013, Number 2
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RCAN 2013; 23 (2)
Visceral fat, waist circumference and kidney allograft. Association with metabolic disturbances and kidney allograft
Borroto DG, Quintanilla AM, Barceló AM, Cabrera VL
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 268-283
PDF size: 392.15 Kb.
Rationale: Excessive weight gain in kidney transplant happens primarily at the expense of visceral fat. Hence, measurement of visceral fat may alert about metabolic disturbances associated with excessive body weight.
Goal: To determine if waist circumference as surrogate of visceral fat can predict metabolic disturbances derived from insulin resistance, as well as failure of kidney graft.
Study design: Analytical, cross-sectional.
Study serie: Eighty-eight transplanted patients (Males: 57.9%; Ages ≥ 60 years: 7.9%; Transplant average time: 6.1 ± 5.7 years) assisted at the Ambulatory Consult of the Nephrology Service of the “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Clinical surgical Hospital (Havana City, Cuba).
Methods: Visceral fat (BF) was measured by means of electrical bioimpedance (BIA). Waist circumference (WC) was measured in centimeters at the level of the umbilicus. Influence of selected demographical and clinical variables upon BF and WC was estimated. In turn, association between weight gain, facets of Metabolic syndrome (MS) and allograft function, on one side, and BF and WC, on the other, was also estimated. Associations of interest were adjusted for the transplant average time.
Results: Thirty-four percent of transplanted patients presented with elevated WC values. Study serie was distributed according with BF tercils as follows: First tercile: 0 – 5.9 Kg: 35.0%; Second tercile: 6.0 – 9.9 Kg: 34.0%; Third tercile: ≥ 10.0 Kg: 31.0%, respectively. BF and WC correlated closely between them. Behavior of anthropometric indicator was independent from demographical and clinical variables of the study. BF was associated with a higher presence of MS, pathological proteinuria and diminished glomerular filtration. WC was only associated with an increased presence of pathological proteinuria.
Conclusions: BF measured by means of BIA can be useful for prediction of occurrence of MS and glomerular damage resulting in pathological proteinuria. Predictive uselfulness of WC might be affected by other factors proper of history of the transplanted patient.
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