2014, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2014; 4 (3)
Comparative study of Finnish Landrace x Merino Australiano vs. Merino Australiano females. wool production
Bianchi-Olascoaga G, Garibotto-Carton G, Lamarca-Bianchessi M
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 51-57
PDF size: 563.85 Kb.
The effect of maternal byotipe (Finnish Landrace x Australian Merino: FLAM
vs. Australian Merino: AM) and physiological status (failed hogget: FH; rearing single lamb: RSL or twins lambs: RTL) on wool production of 289 hogget was studied. The AM hogget presented greater 18% greasy fleece weigth than FLAM; in the first fleece weight (3.89
vs. 3.31 kg, respectively), and the second fleece weight (3.91
vs. 3.37 kg, respectively). At the same time, the wool of the females was pure of greater commercial value, to be more fine, longer and better color. On the other hand, physiological status did not affect the production of wool. Anyway, the records showed by the prolific hogget, independently of its physiological condition, would allow income for wool despicable for nothing.
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