2014, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (4)
Notes on neurosciences history teaching in the Cuban Medical University
Hoyos MA, Pérez OL, Rodríguez RE, Milian GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 530-536
PDF size: 36.22 Kb.
Medicine history teaching in Cuba began in 1842, when it was included in the
curriculum in the just secularized University of Havana. Since them, its permanence
has been discontinuous and unstable in the curriculum of the main high teaching
medical institutions. Through the times, teaching Neurosciences in Cuba in Medicine
career has not been so far relevant and even there is not a subject or practice
period allowing the training youth to deep in this thrilling chapter of the medical
sciences. We carried out a review of the documental and bibliographic sources
existent in prestigious provincial, national and international institutions, dealing
meanly with neurosciences. We draw a general sketch of the medicine history
teaching in the country and investigated about the first scientific paper published in
medical literature on Neurology and Neurosurgery. The university professor has to
motivate the students in medical historiography knowledge. That way, Cuban
physicians’ cultural and scientific formation will be more and more integral and
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