2014, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (4)
Prevention of secondary lesions associated to serious cranioencephalic trauma in extra hospital environment
Liriano GMI, González del Pino RI, Aneiro AC, Collado LIF
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 473-486
PDF size: 87.20 Kb.
Although there have been advances in cranioencephalic treatment, it still continues
covering lives and in other cases leaving permanent sequels not allowing the
integration to society, leading to a psychological situation that patients and his/her
relatives could not agree to; in cases they should leave their job causing an
additional economical charge that joined to disease make the family life extremely
difficult. We carried out a bibliographic review with the objective of updating the
initial behavior in patients with serious cranioencephalic trauma to prevent
secondary lesions. For that we reviewed the theme in books, printed and online
documents searching for in the following databases: Pubmed, central Cochrane
register. Bireme. Ebsco, Mediclatina and Lilacs. We chose the scientifc articles in
such a way that all of them would fulfill the following criteria: 70 % published in the
last five years, and 75 % of them during the last three years. We arrived to the
conclusion that pre-hospital stage treatment is determinant for the evolution of
patients with serious cranioencephalic trauma; for that reason it is necessary a fast
and adequate intervention to prevent secondary lesions.
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