2014, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2014; 43 (1)
Characterization of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with metabolic syndrome
Hinojosa RI, Solís AL
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Objective: characterize carotid atherosclerotic lesions in patients with metabolic
Methods: a prospective descriptive study was conducted of 128 patients with a clinical
diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Carotid echo-Doppler was performed to describe
intima media thickness, location and type of atheromatous plaques, stenosis degree
and atherogenic index, followed by liver ultrasonography for steatosis and details
about its extent.
Results: atherosclerotic damage was similar in both carotid axes. Low shear stress
areas were the most seriously affected, with a predominance of type III atheromatous
plaque. Most atherogenic risk factors were related to increased intima media thickness,
an atherogenic index below 1, and a low prevalence of significant stenosis. There was
a predominance of increased abdominal circumference and severe hepatic steatosis. A
positive, relevant correlation was found between the extent of carotid atherosclerotic
damage and the degree of central and body obesity.
Conclusions: there was a positive, relevant correlation between the extent of carotid
atherosclerotic damage and the degree of central and body obesity. Most atherogenic
risk factors were related to increased intima media thickness, an atherogenic index
below 1, and a low prevalence of significant stenosis. Age over 60 and hypertension
were the predominant risk factors.
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