2014, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2014; 19 (3)
Publishing criteria for systematic review articles
Torres-Fonseca A, López-Hernández D
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 393-399
PDF size: 468.97 Kb.
The purpose of a systemic review article is to examine, select and
determine the optimal published literature to answer a research question,
clearly formulated through a systematic and explicit process. The
systematic review summarizes the results of the primary research using
strategies that limit bias and random error. Thus, the aim of the literature
review is for identify, obtain, consult, review and examine the scientific
articles publishing through a systematic and well-defined process that
can to be reproducible and accurate with explicit criteria to know how
were obtained and interpreted the data; and describe the design of the
analyzed studies. Furthermore, to extract and gather relevant and necessary
information which relates to the research question. However, it is
noteworthy that the systematic review articles are tools that provide a
critical evaluation of published work and often allow realizing important
conclusions based on the evidence present in the studies analyzed, so
it is important to define the purpose of work and make a critical and
objective assessment of the literature.
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