2014, Number 4
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Rev Mex Ortodon 2014; 2 (4)
Open bite correction through molar intrusion with mini-implants
García AA, Castro PPS, Grageda NE
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 257-267
PDF size: 1954.22 Kb.
Anterior open bite is a malocclusion in which one or more teeth do not make contact with its antagonists. The malocclusion occurs in the incisors zone and can spread even to posterior teeth. Molar intrusion is one of the main treatment mechanisms, but the methods used to achieve it have been ineffective, mainly because they depend on dental structures resulting in anchorage loss. On the other hand, mini-implants are easy to place, remove and a low-cost alternative to treat anterior open bite. They are an efficient tool to provide anchorage without patient cooperation. This article explains how closure of an anterior open bite was achieved using mini-implants in the maxilla (buccal and palate area with an acrylic button with hooks) and mandible (buccal area). It aims to explain that mini-implants are efficient in causing molar intrusion because they provide more options to correct malocclusions without patient’s cooperation.
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