2014, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2014; 31 (2)
Educational Intervention in Breastfeeding in a Neonatology Service at the Sonora State Children Hospital.
Macías-Rioja V, Ramírez-Rodríguez CA, Martínez-Carballo EM, Ochoa-López JM, Hoyos-Loya E, Blanco-Cervantes P
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 85-89
PDF size: 232.08 Kb.
Introduction: The practice of breastfeeding in neonatology service is poor producing a high number of discharged
newborns are feeding with infant formula. We need to educate mothers of hospitalized newborns on extraction techniques,
storage and the advantages of breastfeeding.
Material and Methods: A study of educational intervention to improve the practice of breastfeeding, during the period
February 1, 2014 to April 30, 2014 which was observational, descriptive and included all newborn who enters the NICU
was performed at the Children Hospital of the State of Sonora (HIES), type of enteral feeding initiated and later at hospital
discharge was recorded, an audiovisual workshop on breastfeeding and information leaflets for mothers of hospitalized
patients was developed, emphasizing the advantages breastfeeding in the short and long term, as well as its storage and
extraction techniques, information after we applied a test to assess the level of acquired knowledge.
Results: A total of 9 audiovisual training workshops were held with a total of 84% attendance and passing grades of 92%,
115 patients admitted to the NICU during the period of study, after the educational intervention wer e included, feeding
human milk increased to 48.5%, 13.6% with mixed feeding with infant formula 23.2% and 14.7% were fasted for secondary
critical medical order, feeding patients at hospital discharge was 21.8% human milk, fasting physician 14.7%, 37.1% mixed
feeding, infant formula 26.4%, with an increase of 203% human milk feeding compared with the survey conducted before
the educational intervention of breastfeeding.
Conclusion: The significant increase in human milk feeding in the neonatal care through educational intervention by
health staff through workshops and audiovisual educational materials related to breastfeeding success.
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