2014, Number 5
An infrequent damaging habit: a case presentation
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 568-575
PDF size: 332.10 Kb.
Background: there are damaging habits called neurosis which are considered important factors in the beginning and evolution of the periodontal disease. These habits can influence its appearance and course, as well as the result of its treatment.Objective: to present a case of an infrequent habit in Stomatology.
Clinical case: the case of a twenty-seven-year-old patient is presented. The patient’s gums, in the anteroinferior region, were out of position because of her habit since childhood of biting her nails and packing them on the gums of her anteroinferior teeth. A scarce dentobacterial plaque and the presence of tartar, as well as dental caries, gingival resections in the anteroposterior area with denudation of the radicular surface were observed in the physical examination. The patient was a little shy, impatient, frustrated. The diagnosis and handling of this infrequent disease was discussed. Psychological and odontological therapy was applied and an optimum oral hygiene was carried out by the patient and the periodontist made a strict vigilance.
Conclusions: the patient is under treatment with a satisfactory evolution.
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