2013, Number 2
Implant retained overdendenture. A case to think about
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 240.89 Kb.
Overdentures are the total or parcial prostheses over one or more remanent teeth or implants. A main premise of this treatment is to insert and retire the prosthesis favouring the hygiene, as well as a resting period for the mucose, mainly in the cases where it participates in the transmission of the bone loading. The step of loading the implants when placing the retention capsules in the prosthesis constitutes a critical moment within this treatment, because there are used materials like autopolimerizable acrylic and if the adequate measures are not taken then some obstacles may difficult the proper insertion and removal of the prosthetic apparatus, generating severe complications in our patients. It was presented a case showing that for an inadequate behavior, the prosthesis were joint to the implants for a period of 2 years, with no possibilities of removal, affecting the patient´s health.REFERENCES
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