2013, Number 2
Alterations in the occlusion of children between 3 to 5 years old
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-14
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It was performed a descriptive, epidemiologic and transversal study in children between 3 to 5 years old of Niquero Municipality, since July to December of 2012, with the aim to determine the alterations in the normal characteristics in the occlusion. From the amount of children comprised in these ages in the health area there were selected 400 children that came to the medical office and were examined. It was made a survey in which there were gathered some variables like the relation of the temporary second molars, the presence or non presence of the incisive space and the primate spaces and the distance between the lingual faces of the second molars, resaltation and occlusion. The relation of the most frequent temporary second molars was the terminal rectum plane (50%), the non presence of the interincisive and primate spaces (36.2%), there was a predominance of the transversal micrognatism (70%), the resaltation in the most frequent occlusion was normal (57.2%), the malocclusion was observed in a greater degree(59.0%). It was concluded that in the children studied, the most frequent relation of molars was the terminal plane rectum; there was a predominance of the absence of the interincisive spaces and the primate in the jawbone. The decrease in the transversal development of the jawbone prevailed. It was observed, with greater frequency, the alterations in the normal characteristics of the occlusion and therefore, a predominance of malocclusions in the future permanent dentition.REFERENCES
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