2013, Number 2
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (2)
Epidemiological behavior of the acute respiratory infections in children. Granma, 2000- 2010. Prognosis of 2010
Ortiz CE, Guerra DE, Sánchez HMR, Martínez JA, Rosales MM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 322.28 Kb.
The Acute Respiratory Infections constitute the most frequent cause of children consultation. With the aim to determine the epidemiological behavior of these infections in children of Granma province, as well as the prognoses at short term, and through the study of chronological series, it was performed a descriptive and longitudinal investigation in the period 2000-2010. Universe: all the cases of ARI in children under 15 years reported by the System of Mandatory Reporting Diseases. There were applied techniques of Exponential Flattening in the analysis of chronological series to study the rates of incidence of the condition according to the age and zones of residence, number of medical attentions and hospitalizations, stational pattern according to the four weeks and years. There were used graphic methods to analyze the Tendency and the Endemic Corridor, to determine the Stationality. There were made prognoses at short term. It was used the program EVIEWS version 4. The condition prevailed in newborns and in residents of the Cauto zone. The number of medical attentions and hospitalizations was high in the last years. The infant mortality rate was low, but its contribution to the general mortality was considered important in the years 2003, 2005 and 2008. The prognoses showed a good adjustment. In the year 2011 the medical attentions and the hospitalizations will be similar to the ones of the 2010. The condition had a stational pattern, prevailing in the weeks 40-48. The Acute Respiratory Infection evidenced an increasing tendency and it is expected that for the year 2011 the rate of incidence will be similar to the one of the year 2010.
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