2013, Number 2
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (2)
Risk factors and complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sucre 2012
Noa ÁLR, Chang SM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 177.95 Kb.
It was performed an observational, descriptive, retrospective and transversal study with the aim to describe the risk factors and complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients assisted by doctors of Barrio Adentro Project, in Sucre municipality, Oropeza province at Chuquisaca district in Bolivia. The universe of study was made by dispensarized patients, like type 2 diabetic patients (n=85). It was obtained an intentional sample of 51 patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The variables of study were: age, sex, pathological antecedents of diabetes, associated diseases, nutritional state, smoking habit and complications. The type 2 diabetes was presented with greater frequency in the group of 40-59 years, the female sex was the one with greater incidence, the familiar antecedents of diabetes were presented in 64,7% of the patients. The hypertension and cardiopathies were presented like associated illnesses. Most of the patients were normoweights, the smoking habit was not a risk factor. The most common complications were, peripheral venous insufficiency and polineuropathy.
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