2013, Number 2
Computerized axial tomography in encephalocranial traumatisms. Six years of experience: January 2006- December 2012
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 279.02 Kb.
Nowadays it has been observed a significant increase of the cranial trauma, mainly related to car accidents, what constitute one of the main causes of morbility and mortality in lots of countries and specifically in Cuba. This fact turns the encephalocranial traumatisms into a problem of epidemiological impact. The computerized axial tomography provides fast and non- invasive information in these cases. It was performed a descriptive and prospective study in patients with traumatic brain injuries, and it was applied the computerized axial tomography to them, in the Imaging department of the Clinical Surgical University Teaching Hospital ¨Celia Sánchez Manduley¨ of Manzanillo, Granma, in the period between January 2006 to December of 2012, with the aim to describe the results of the tomographic study. The universe was constituted by all the patients that came to the emergency service with cranio encephalic traumatism and it was applied the computerized axial tomography to them. There were taken into account some variables like: age, sex and the results of the initial tomography. The results showed that the most affected group of age was between 41-50 years, as well as the male sex, there was a predominance of patients with positive tomographic examination and the subdural hematoma and the contusional foci were the injuries with greater frequency, the epidural hematoma was mostly associated to fractures, the cerebral edema and the mass effect were presented in great numbers of extracerebral injuries.REFERENCES
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