2013, Number 2
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (2)
Characterization of the adverse reactions to medicines according to their preventability in elderly patients. Granma province. January 2009-December 2011
Aguilera AO, Marcel LA, Alfonso OI, Ramirez CY
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 291.26 Kb.
Introduction: The population aging is one of the most remarkable changes of modern civilization and its presence determines greater changes in the design, instrumentation and application of health policies. One of the main actions to guarrantee the health of this population group is to identify in a precise way their health situation and diseases, because aging has been one of the determinant factors to increase the prevalence of chronic-degenerative diseases and of course, the increase of medicine consumption, what provokes greater pharmacological interactions and adverse reactions to medicines.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of adverse reactions to medicines (RAM) in elderly people, reported in Granma province since 2005 to 2011.
Method: it was performed an observational, descriptive and transverse research of pharmaco-surveillance, applying the spontaneous method of adverse reactions and the data base of pharmaco-surveillance in the province. The universe was represented by 1082 RAM records in 60 year-old patients and older, reported in the province during the period 2005-2011, identifying the pharmacological groups and the most related drugs, the classification of adverse reactions according to the severity, the affected organ system, the degree of legal responsibility and its preventability.
Results: the pharmacological group with greater representation was the antimicrobial one, the most frequent drugs were aminophillyne, rapilent penicillin and amoxacilline, the moderated reactions had the higher percentage as well as the possible reactions, the most affected organ system was the skin and adnexa. It could have been avoided the 54,3% of the studied adverse reactions to medicines.
Conclusion: there was a prevalence of the adverse reactions that can be avoided in elderly patients due to the use of therapeutic patterns and inappropriated indications of medicines.
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