2014, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2014; 61 (4)
Comparison of immunological marker levels between underweight newborns from hypertensive and non-hypertensive mothers
Salazar-Torres L, Gómez-Hernández T, Bequer-Mendoza L, Heredia-Ruiz D, Fernández-Caraballo D, Pérez de Alejo-Rodríguez L
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 235-240
PDF size: 141.48 Kb.
Introduction: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are considered major contributors to low birth weight and maternal, fetal and neonatal morbid-mortality.
Aim: To compare the levels of M, G, A immunoglobulins and complement system proteins C3 and C4 in blood samples from umbilical cord in 60 underweight newborns.
Material and method: Samples were divided into two groups; the first one included 30 newborn to hypertensive mothers and the second one, 30 born to non-hypertensive mothers. Assessments were carried out in serum samples using a quantitative turbidimetric method.
Results: Both groups showed minimal values of IgM and IgA, and complement system proteins were 50% of the reported values in adults. IgM values were highest in the group that included hypertensive mothers, but without statistical difference.
Conclusions: Though immunological markers in underweight newborns did not show significant differences regarding groups of hypertensive and non-hypertensive mothers, immunological causes are currently considered one of the most successful theories in the etiology of preeclampsia.
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