2014, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2014; 61 (4)
Profile of risk for the coronary atherosclerotic disease in asymptomatic young adults
Sorroza RNA, Jines JHE, Valdés RYC, Polo VJC, Marcel EA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 211-219
PDF size: 298.80 Kb.
Multiple epidemic studies demonstrate that, the coronary atherosclerotic disease (CAD) presents a high prevalence and a strong association between the CAD and the abdominal obesity. Our objective work was, to determine the presence of abdominal obesity, as factor of risk for CAD in asymptomatic young adults. In the Clinical Laboratory «Dayana» of the Paschal Parish, City of Guayaquil was carried out a descriptive observational traverse study of asymptomatic young adults of both sexes and 30 to 45 years that previously had given the consent to participate. The blood pressure (BP) and the indirect indicators of obesity, index of the body mass (IBM), circumference of the waist (CW), (WHI) waist/height ratio and, the levels in serum of the triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (CT), cholesterol-lipoprotein of high density (C-HDL) they were measured by enzymatic methods; while, for C-LDL the formula of Friedewald was used, when the [TG] ≥ 400 mg/dL and, the family pathological antecedents (FPA) and the habits and non healthy lifestyles, were those declared by each participant. For the statistical analysis of the studied variables the software SPSS version was used 21. In the results it was significant association (p ‹ 0.05) between the probability of the presence of the SM and the distribution of values of risk of the variables: IBM, CW, IWS, c-LDL and Chol. On the other hand, the statistical comparison of the variables with values of risk versus the rest, demonstrated a significant correlation (p ‹ 0.05) or (p ‹ 0.01). This suggests a high potential risk for cardio-metabolic syndrome (CMS or/and CAD) of the participants in the study.
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