2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Gen 2012; 6 (1)
Familial aggregation study in schizophrenic twins in the Calixto García municipality, Holguín province on 2009
Sánchez LL, Cruz MT, Marcheco TB
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 40-43
PDF size: 471.84 Kb.
This research study on family aggregation was carried out in the Calixto García municipality, in Holguín province, from January to March 2009 with the objective of determining the frequency with which schizophrenia affecting one member of twin siblings does affect the other twin sibling and/or other relatives with up to a second degree of consanguinity in relation to the index case. At the same time, the co-morbidity caused by other mental disorders in these families, as well as other non-genetic risk factors were explored. With this purpose, an analytical transversal study of cases was carried out through the family aggregation analysis of seven proband-twins suffering from schizophrenia and, in all cases family aggregation was a present factor. A correspondence for schizophrenia in the twin sibling of the index case was found, together with a greater incidence in monozygotic than in dizygotic twins. Psychiatric co-morbidity was identified, being alcoholism the most frequently occurring related pathology. Delivery complications were the commonest non-genetic risk factor. Based upon these results, a preventive strategy was designed for those families affected with schizophrenia in this municipality.
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