2014, Number s2
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salud publica mex 2014; 56 (s2)
Evidences to validate public policies: a review with an international research perspective
Gregori D
Language: English
References: 55
Page: 157-161
PDF size: 168.51 Kb.
Nutrition and related health issues are nowadays topics of
general interest. The prevalence of overweight and obesity
has increased with alarming speed over the past twenty
years, being described by the World Health Organization
as a global epidemic. An evidence-based approach to public
health interventions should be based on the best available
information. Given the substantial investment of society
in fundamental and applied health research, and the high
expectations of society for reducing the burden of illness,
attention to these matters should have high priority. There’s
an urgent need to foster the development of international
standards, such as food labeling and profiling. Considering
the complex network involved in obesity development, it is
necessary to promote multiple-concurrent interventions,
taking into account that by focusing on a single intervention
in isolation, all other factors being constant, each individual
policy change is likely to appear ineffective.
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