2014, Number s2
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salud publica mex 2014; 56 (s2)
Contribution of formative research to design an environmental program for obesity prevention in schools in Mexico City
Bonvecchio A, Théodore FL, Safdie M, Duque T, Villanueva MÁ, Torres C, Rivera J
Language: English
References: 36
Page: 139-147
PDF size: 274.85 Kb.
Objective. This paper describes the methods and key
findings of formative research conducted to design a schoolbased
program for obesity prevention.
Materials and
methods. Formative research was based on the ecological
model and the principles of social marketing. A mixed
method approach was used. Qualitative (direct observation,
indepth interviews, focus group discussions and photo-voice)
and quantitative (closed ended surveys, checklists, anthropometry)
methods were employed.
Results. Formative
research key findings, including barriers by levels of the
ecological model, were used for designing a program including
environmental strategies to discourage the consumption
of energy dense foods and sugar beverages.
Formative research was fundamental to developing a context
specific obesity prevention program in schools that seeks
environment modification and behavior change.
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