2014, Number s2
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salud publica mex 2014; 56 (s2)
Child narrative in school settings. A strategy for health promotion
Ríos-Cortázar V, Gasca-García A, Franco-Martínez M, Tolentino-Mayo L
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 130-138
PDF size: 236.79 Kb.
Objective. To describe the process of capacity building of an
elementary school in Mexico City to promote healthy diet,
physical activity and obesity preventive measures, within the
Health Promoting School (HPS) initiative, underpinned by
a human functioning approach.
Materials and methods.
The project of HPS had a methodological design of participatory
action research, which was adapted and integrated to
a participatory method of planning-action-evaluation with a
model of collaborative and group learning; thus narrative was
defined as a strategy.
Results. The participation of children
in the process contributed to the development of a set of
capabilities related to school performance, socialization, coexistence,
diet, physical activity and others related to health
in general.
Conclusions. The HPS enhances the development
of individual and collective capacities of school-aged children
that allows them to achieve favorable performances for their
health, including diet and physical activity.
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